Round One: Any piece
Augh! What do you pick? Funny, martial, romantic, original, period?
I should probably assume that this is a winnowing round, and a solid performance is what's needed. I have my eye on "The Better Thief," a piece by an SCA author in the style of the 18th century "Pills to Purge Melancholy." My lord husband recommends my original poem For Sylvanus Perrin, which (as I reread it)... yeah actually, I did a pretty nice job with that. I'm just worried it'll be too close to what I have planned for Round Two. Blind King John falls in the fray is another possibility. I just really like that story.
Round Two: A documented period piece
No contest: Wulf and Eadwacer. I've translated it poetically and I perform it with the lyre. I do need to memorize it. I'm frankly pleased as all get-out with the resulting performance; it's not "the usual," but I think it's unusualness makes it compelling.
Round Three: At Their Majesties' pleasure
Pretty much a wing and a prayer, here. I should go over my repertoire and see what still works after years of forgetfulness. Sometimes it's an easy one, like Love; I've heard it be as specific as "Spike," Atlantia's unicornate seahorse mascot. Their Majesties are Viking, so I might brush up on things relating to that great son of Ecgtheow, pride of the Geats and slayer of monsters, as a source of Vikingish material.