So with Year Two beginning, it's reasonable to ask: what's next?
I want to keep the Great Translation Project rolling. There's the French "Eya" spring song and the Italian "La Badessa" that are the last two from my original "Oooo, gotta do that one!" list. And I want to start uncovering other web sources for translations or Tudor/Elizabethan English songs that I can link to.
I may step back from Community Performance for this next year, unless I can combine it with Poeta Atlantiae duties. I'll be having competitions and challenges to run as Poeta, which means I should not also commit to staging a mummer's play or other activity.
In my personal research, I can either spiral deeper into Anglo-Saxon era studies, or branch out to other contemporary art forms. I feel like I'd rather have a little more breadth before I start going real deep into extant psalters and whatnot. Norse poetry, performance and culture (skalds and all that) are the most obvious option. Less obviously, I've a yen to look into other early epics like the French chanson de geste. That would be the more challenging option, I think - there is a ton of SCA and other research on skaldic and eddaic verse already on the Web. I might give it a browse and call it good (for now) but make the "hitting the library" part of things more focused on the Continental forms.
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