I've been working on an entry into the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival's Persona Pentathlon. In addition to two performances, I'm entering three physical items. I didn't feel entirely comfortable blogging about them here, since they're not music/poetry related. Is that kind of silly?
Anyway, that's what's been taking up a good bit of my time and energy. The Festival is this weekend and my projects are wrapped up*; I'm just doing the final bits of polishing on the documentation.
*Or, as wrapped up as they are getting. Sure, I could punish myself with all-nighters to decorate the border of the tafl game or to weave a border for the veil, but you know what? No. That's what the "Future Work" section of the docs is for.
The two performances are my Wulf and Eadwacer translation and the new Veni, delectissime mentioned a post or two below. I decided not to add any verses to Veni - it takes the poem from some serious bald longing into a region of camp. I learned how little I really know about chant and performing chant, and also that everyone argues about how to perform chant.
It's been over a year since my crash-and-burn Wulf and Eadwacer performance at Twelfth Night, and it's very tempting to give it another go with the lyre. However, I still haven't really practiced it and, from an A&S persona perspective, there's no evidence for women playing lyre. So... I should really, really resist the temptation.