There's a devil of a choice to make at KASF - stay by your own work to talk to people about it, or wander around to see everyone else's. I tried to do a bit of both.
I was feeling a little down about my display for a while. Compared to some of the excellent work at KASF, it seemed a bit underwhelming. Then someone asked me a music question, and I started yakking, and I remembered: Oh yeah, this is what I actually do and where my depth of knowledge is.
I met Wyglaf of Stierbach again; he also does Anglo-Saxon research, and he had entered the Persona Pentathalon with a 6th century Anglian entry. He's learning Old English and did some C&I based on Kells and Lindisfarne - stuff I've been meaning to get to, and haven't. His other thrusts - woodworking and metalworking - are totally out of my wheelhouse. I thought the bow and arrows he made were really nifty! He's also interested in my lyre class, if I ever teach it. (Note to self: Make more student lyres.)
I had heard that Jocelyn d'Outremer made books but had never seen one. Finally saw one. HOLY SCHNICKIES. That's some awesome book-binding there.
Also saw a lady who does enameling - she made a replica of... gah, it's a gold-and-garnet eagle and I can't recall if it's Anglo-Saxon or Frankish or Vandal or what. Shoot, all my event notes are at home; I'll have to update this report later.
There was so, so much stuff that was beautiful and amazing that I'm not mentioning.
One lesson learned: Make sure to have note cards with me when I venture out. Talk more. Leave comments. Get out of the Introvert Zone a bit.
The Duke Gyrth Oldcastle Memorial Poetry Smackdown was awesome! My poetry was well-received, which was nice, but I think the standout piece had to be Master Dunstan's object lesson on why "A&S" must always be carefully enunciated. I owe Master Bran copies of my entries, come to think of it...
Feast was deee-licious! I sat with Gratiza, the other Storvikii remaining on-site, and some lovely ladies of Bright Hills. Very convival supper. Then - clean up. I took off my bling for chair-schlepping duty, and I'm not sure if all of it made it home. I'll check my pockets and pouches one more time, then hope the autocrat reports a lost and found. :/
Travel note: It may be better to get a hotel near the site for the night before the event, and then leave the event, drive until I'm tired and find a hotel there in the future.