Various things on my plate to prioritize:
Things already started:
- Online SCA artist community development
- Lyre how-to videos
- Scroll text competition
- Revise and expand documentation for current performance practice
- Update website
- Organize Storvik PerfArts nights
New things/Old things coming back:
- Sew hangerok/smokkr (Class for this at Sergeants and Scholars, but it's not til May)
- Make linen band for new gown
- Pick up calligraphy again?
- Try embroidery (maybe ask Janina for a lesson?)
- Mark 3 mineral ball much as the "new things" are very shiny, I think I need to address the open projects first. It's a lot of admin stuff, but I keep putting it off so it never gets done.
Janina is starting back up the Storvik embroidery guild. She's thinking about it being sampler-based.
Also um, class at S&S? I'm the Dean for S&S, and I don't know about this...
Posted by: Grazia | February 03, 2014 at 11:22 AM
Maybe this is from last year, then?
There's a live link to it on the sands main page.
Posted by: TeleriB | February 03, 2014 at 12:30 PM
Derp. And thank you for the head's up on the embroiderer's guild!
Posted by: TeleriB | February 03, 2014 at 12:31 PM
Yeah, that's last year's schedule. I just went and told Nicolo, so hopefully he can clear it out. So far, the classes I know about are falconry, kumihimo, and early 16th century German peasant clothing.
Posted by: Grazia | February 03, 2014 at 01:42 PM