Despite the blog apparently having been taken over by other arts...
During Pennsic, our baroness posted to Facebook that she was so proud when a bystander remarked that "Storvik is fighting like gods!" The phrase had a good cadence, so I wrote a song...
Fighting Like Gods
Like thunder rolls down from the mountains
So roll brave Storvik's squads
Over the foe, onward to triumph
Storvik is fighting like gods!
Odin's sons, lift up your spears
Valkyries, raise up your shield
Make battle like Thor, feed ravens like Tyr
Gods of the battlefield
Swift through the woods, prowling like Fenris
Like Heimdall, they guard well the bridge
Sailing Hringhrori, boasting with Baldur
On the field, they won't give an inch
Well, the baron was well pleased, and asked for some more songs praising other folk in Storvik.
Trivia: In setting the tune for this, the chorus was driving me mad. I felt certain that I'd "borrowed" a tune from something, but could not for the life of me place it. My husband identified it: "The Horn of the Hunter," (albeit on fast forward) which is something that he sings, but I don't. Evidently I'd heard it enough from him that the tune seeped into my brain, but nothing else about it.
Stout Hearts of Storvik
The kitchen’s out of ice and the parking lot is mud
The rain’s got in the privies and we think that they may flood
We’re running out of propane and we don’t know what it costs
The site is hard to find and the king has gotten lost
Stand up, you stout hearts of Storvik
Who answer the barony’s call
Stand up, you stout hearts of Storvik
Our heroes of field and of hall
A store-run for the ice, and propane for the grill
You make it a donation if we can’t afford the bill
Putting up the signs, directing all the cars
As wet as if you’d been to sea, a-sailing the drekkar
(Interlude to recognize the volunteers)
With your time and with your money, but especially with your work
You keep the Known World turning, while the rest of us just shirk
My brothers and my sisters, it’s time to lend a hand
So when next you hear this song, you’ll know that you can stand ----
There's one for the A&S folks, too, although I'm still polishing it over and developing the tune. The chorus is good, but some of the verses haven't been worked over. This one, I have to fight the urge to steal the verse tune from "Worms of the Earth."
Do You Have Dwarves in Storvik?
Heroes arrive in our lands
Desperate questers all
Setting their foot to our strand
Raising their voices they call --
Chorus A:
Do you have dwarves in Storvik?
Craftsmen fit for the gods?
We’ve heard of goods made with skills
That the rest of the world has forgot
Garments as fine as bright Freyja’s,
That gives to its wearer hawk’s wings
Runes that are scribed with Odin’s skill
A feast-hall and mead fit for kings
Chorus A
Leather turned like Vidar’s shoes
Is the armor from Weyland the Smith?
This weaving is done with Frigg’s distaff
These things come straight out of myth
Chorus A
We laugh and we seat them at table
And ply them with bright foaming mead
And show them the things that we’re able
To do or to make when there’s need
Chorus B
For there are no dwarves in Storvik
Our artists are women and men
Our knowledge is wide, our treasures are fine,
And no craft surpasses our ken
Chorus B Repeat