A long, long time ago, I did a Girl Scout badge on "Collections" that required that we sort, mark and log our collection somehow. I had a rock collection, and went through putting dots of Wite-Out on all my mineral specimens, then numbering them, then recording the numbers/rocks. It wasn't a great system - I couldn't sort the rocks by type, and I didn't like marking them up.
I'm thinking back to that because I'm trying to get my brain around how to archive my stuff. I guess I'm spoiled, and I want the full functionality of a database. Want to see all the garb I've made? Poof! All the Pentathalon entries? Poof! All the poems I have entered into contests? Double filter, poof!
I don't think this blog/website has a native database function. Google doesn't show one, certainly, nor does their main page suggest that functionality is available. So I'm left to invent my own way to sort things.
My 'Original Works' page (were I to update it...) seems all right for the bardic stuff, and the Class Notes page (ditto...) works for the class notes. I guess a similar approach for the static A&S would be to make thumbnails of pictures of the items, and link them to posts/pages. It gets unwieldy as the number of items gets large, but scrolling down the infinite page isn't so hard. If I follow the other pages, I'll break it into sections to allow for somewhat simpler browsing.
Mehhhh, I don't like that it doesn't extend well. But even with the section headings on the Original Works page, I sometimes have trouble remembering where I put the link to one thing or another. And what's obvious to me isn't necessarily obvious to someone browsing through. All on one page may be the best option out of a pile of sub-optimal options.