Notes on process:
- I've tied the warp in a long loop around the tapestry loom. No worries about crushing the brocade now.
- I started by using two arm's lengths of silver thread, doubled into a one arm's length strand. That was too long - the thread got kinks in it and the silver came unwrapped in places. Now using one arm's length, doubled into a half arm's length strand.
- Taking the time to ensure the silver threads are laying nicely - parallel to each other, not crossing or twisting - really does seem to make a difference.
- When I start a new thread, the new and the old threads are coming in at the same shed, and it's bulking that pick up so some of the ground peeks through. I should probably start the new thread the pick before I end the old thread - wait, would that help, or would it just give me two bulky picks instead of one? ...I think it should work. Currently, I have four thread-ends crowded into the shed, and one set of threads brocading. New way would have new thread in the shed, old thread brocading, then old thread in the shed and new thread brocading. Should be smoother.
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