First event ever with both kids! And we camped!
Kid Lessons
- Bring more toys
- Plan some activities
- Forget about feast if the kids aren't going to eat it. Family dinner.
- 5-gal bucket makes an acceptable nighttime potty
- Soak the marshmallow sticks in water for an hour before roasting
- Consider cots for both so the one doesn't end up curled in a ball in the downhill corner of the tent
- Make sure the electric lantern has a nightlight setting; if it doesn't, get one that does
- Flashlights for everyone
New Canvas Tent Lessons
- Use rugs or something to protect floor
- Canvas doors do not keep bugs out
- Elder Son can get positively frantic about bugs. He handled several bug-related incidents well, but I was very worried he'd wake up in the night and see a 1/2" long black beetle crawling on the tent wall by the light of the nightlight, and just scream bloody murder.
- The hanger that friction-fits onto the center pole is the best thing
- Fold in quarters, not thirds, and roll over it to squish out air before rolling it up
- Hammer in tent pegs well, as they really seem to like to trip people and rip garb
- Get a rope loop for mallet to pull pegs; also consider small sledgehammer instead of plastic one
- Family of four plus canvas tent plus other comfort gear (e.g. chairs) does not fit in our car.
I am going back and forth on whether or not we want to use the canvas tent at the next event. On the one hand, it was very cool and comfortable to be in, and I like it a lot. We are going to take two cars (in addition to kids and regular gear, there will be donations for the Storvik Yard Sale - it will not fit in one car), so we should have the space for it. Still the bug thing though. The desire to instill what they are calling "grit" in the kid by not making his path overly smooth wars with not wanting him to go into a phobic fit if something crawls onto his face.
At Pennsic, Meisterin Johanna had made a remark to the effect that I seemed to perform a lot of stuff that's tonally the same. I grant that I do my humorous period stuff a lot, because I'm trying to sell people on period stuff, but I do have other pieces. So I did "Matty Groves" and "Yo me soy la morenica" in addition to "To Put the Devil into Hell."
Post-Event Kit Maintenance
I patched the hole the tent peg tore in my gown with a bit of linen and lots of thread. I did satin stitches over the raw edges of the tear. I also sewed up the shoulder where the seam was coming undone.
Also put the chape on my protege belt! Been pretty productive for a fairly exhausting day.