Sabine, Patricia, Tatsume and Teleri attending.
We spun! We spun El Cheapo Generic Starter Roving; we spun two-coated Jacob sheep wool. We spun with top-weighted spindles and bottom-weighted spindles. We spun with a modern dragon spindle weight and historical clay spindle weights. We spun wool from the hand and wool from a distaff. We spun thick and we spun thin.
Techniques were shared for dressing the distaff; for re-connecting your spinning thread to your wool after the thread breaks; for finishing skeins of yarn. We tried using hooks, half-hitches and nothing at all to secure the thread prior to spinning. We watched some YouTube videos of traditional Eastern European spinners and wondered about the SCA's Central/South American-derived drop spindle technique vs. what we see in manuscripts (and Eastern European nonnas).
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