"Wait, wait, wait... TeleriB doesn't write the In Nomine content. What's up with this?"
7th Sea mentions that angels are part of Vaticine (and one assumes Objectionist) tradition. There's not a whole lot of detail, but there is an idea that Theus has helper spirits which can be tasked to move about the mortal plane.
Who fills the symbolic and artistic void where we find Michael and Gabriel in our world?
One could postulate almost any number of archangels, but let's go with four. There are four Prophets, after all, and so you can line up each archangel as a tutelary spirit for each Prophet.
For what it's worth, it's nowhere indicated that the Prophets themselves handed down any details on their angels. It seems much more likely to be a popular faith tradition, and may even be discouraged by the churches.
The angel of the First Prophet is a spirit of love, healing and forgiveness. She is usually depicted as a young girl with something of gold about her. Fair hair is common, as are golden wings, but some visionary Castillian devotional paintings have used golden skin.
Ramiel is the Angel of Prophecy. She became associated with the Second Prophet when it became clear that his message of pilgrimage could not be accomplished in the near future; clearly, it was a prophetic directive meant for some future faithful. Ramiel is normally illustrated as a dark-haired Crescent woman with light eyes, carrying a scroll or book (containing prophetic wisdom, naturally).
Bearing a sword of flame, the Angel of Justice accompanied the Third Prophet. Raguel embodies divine wrath and just punishment more than just rewards. Often androgynous, she is usually shown in armor or other war-gear in art.
Of course, when the Fourth Prophet comes for the final battle against the demons of Legion, it will be under the shadow of the wings of Azael, Angel of Death. Where Anael is bright, Azael is dark - except for the silver tears she is often shown crying, for the souls lost to Legion and for the pain that she inadvertenlty causes mankind.
Isn't Azrael the Angel of death?
Azael was one of the Grigori, the tenth Watcher, one of the leaders, often confused with Azazel (totally different ballpark though).
Posted by: K | June 30, 2009 at 07:09 PM