This world has been formally part of Centrum's Green Zone for the last decade, and under effective Centran control for about a decade before that. It has never been considered to be particularly fertile ground for Homeline interference, both because of its location on Quantum 7 and the overwhelming presence of Interworld; Infinity is reassessing this conclusion in the wake of reports that the timeline is now undergoing a surprisingly successful set of rebellions against their outtime masters. Whether Infinity reassesses the assessment once it becomes clear that this is due to a third party's interference is not yet known.
Machen, 1904 AD
Current Affairs
The somewhat monotonous peace of a Green Zone Centran satrapy is in the process of being wrecked by various rebels with mystical outtime backing.
Divergence Point
1856 AD: William Walker's Republic of Nicaragua survives.
Major Civilizations
Western (diffuse)
Great Powers (all meritocracies unless noted otherwise)
United States of North America (representative democracy with meritocratic overtones, CR 4), Republic of Venezuela (dictatorship, CR 6), South American Direct Control Zone (CR 5), South American Union (representative democracy, CR 3), Scandinavian Union (CR 5), British Empire (representative democracy with meritocratic overtones, CR 4), French Imperial Republic (dictatorship with meritocratic overtones, CR 5), German-Hungarian Confederation (CR 5), Slavic Union (CR 5), Special Unaligned Confederation (CR 3-4), Siberian Direct Control Zone (CR 5), Japanese-Chinese Union (dictatorship with meritocratic overtones, CR 2-4), South Chinese Republic (oligarchy with meritocratic overtones, CR 5), Southeast Asian Direct Control Zone (CR 5), Middle Eastern Confederation (feudal, CR 1-6), African Direct Control Zone (CR 5)
Worldline Data
TL: 8/6
Quantum: 7
Mana Level: low to normal
Centrum Zone: Green
Infinity Level: Z10
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